

Duration: All Year Credit: 1.0

Elective: Grades 9-12

Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

This is the ONLY Agriculture Course for 9th graders.

Course: The local, national, and global definitions, history, and scope of agriculture in society is covered in this course. It also covers plant and animal sciences, production and processing; agricultural mechanics, including tool and machine operation; business and natural resource management; management of food and fiber systems; soil characteristics, formation and properties; and development of leadership and communication skills.

AGRICULDuration: All year Credits: 1.0

Elective: Grades 10 - 12

Content: Course is designed to strengthen students' personal and group leadership skills. Topics such as public speaking, effective communication, human relations, parliamentary law and group dynamics are covered. Emphasis is on developing leadership skills. (meets 1.0 communications credit)

Animal Science -- 0161

Duration: All year Credit: 1.0 credit

Elective: Grades 10-12

Lab Science? Course is a NON-lab science credit class.

Content: Course imparts information about the care and management of domesticated animals. Animal nutrition, health, reproduction, genetics, facilities, and marketing are all possible topics. Study of anatomy and physiology of livestock and other domesticated animals. Examination of developmental stages and analysis of feed rations for different parts of an animal's life cycle. Identification of environmental factors that affect an animal's performance. Recognition of animal behaviors to facilitate working with animals safely. (Can be used as an extra science credit.)

Pre-Veterinary- VETERINARY TECHNICIAN - 0162

Duration: offered each sem. Credit: 0.5 each sem.

Elective: Grades 11 or 12

Prerequisite: Must have prior teacher approval

Content: Medical Terminology for Veterinary Technicians is an entry-level course designed to provide the student with a foundation in the language of veterinary medicine, focusing on pre-fixes, suffixes, word roots and their combining forms. This course is a dual course for students who are interested in the veterinary field- small or large animals, online course using WebCT and does need teacher approval. Need a 2.0 GPA-needs to qualify as dual enrollment with SJC. Offered for one period in the afternoon only. Can be used as a science credit.

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