

Duration: All Year Credit: 1 elective credit

Elective: Grades 10-12

Content: Data Management covers the procedures used in keeping financial records for a business--whether a single ownership, partnership, or a corporation. The knowledge gained from this class is also valuable in keeping personal records. Students desiring to someday own their own business or explore careers in accounting, banking, finance, tax work, law, etc., should consider accounting. As of 2009/2010 school-year, can count as Communications credit. (Applies to graduating class of 2010 to 2012.)


Class of 2013 and later only-computers are no longer required for graduation = elective only


Duration: One Semester Credit: 0.5 Credit to fulfill ½ of Graduation Requirement for class of 2012 or earlier

Elective: Grades 9 -12

Prerequisite: None Lab Fee: $5.00 per Sem.

Content: Basic Microsoft Programs will be explored Microsoft Word (word processing, desktop publishing), Excel (Spreadsheet), Powerpoint (presenting software) & Publisher (full desktop publishing). This class will fulfill ½ of the BHS computer graduation requirement. Typing skills will be introduced & performed to achieve 30 Words Per Minute (WPM), primarily in the first 3-4 weeks. A USB drive for saving files is suggested.


Duration: One Semester Credit:0.5 Credit to fulfill ½ of Graduation Requirement for class of 2012 or earlier

Prerequisite: General Computer Applications I or equivalent Lab Fee: $5.00 per Sem.

Content: More in-depth experience working with Microsoft Programs; Microsoft Word (word processing, desktop publishing), Excel (Spreadsheet), Powerpoint (presenting software) & Publisher (full desktop publishing). This class will fulfill ½ of the BHS computer graduation requirement. Brief typing skills to achieve 30 WPM, primarily in the first week. A USB drive for saving files is suggested.


Duration: One semester Credit: 0.5 credit Elective: Grades 9-12 Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

Prerequisite: Students who keyboard at 25 wpm

Content: This is a prerequisite for most of the more advanced computer classes and is designed to provide students with the skill to use a microcomputer to accomplish both personal and business tasks. Students will use various types of software, including word-processors, graphics, presentation, data management systems, and spreadsheets. Students can take this course to fulfill 1/2 of the BHS computer graduation requirement (for students graduating 2012 or after).


Duration: One Semester Credit: 1/2 credit

Elective: Grades 9 - 12 Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

Prerequisite: basic computer skills

Content: Students will develop desktop publishing techniques, organization skills, publicity, sales and various other skills needed to produce a yearbook, newspaper, and operate the student business "PAWS Production." Students will also sharpen their writing and oral communication skills. Students are graded on the quality and quantity of their inpidual contributions. Completing articles/projects for The Bobcat Pride newspaper and other publications will be required. This course is a prerequisite to the Yearbook Class. This course will allow students the opportunity to work with computers. It will meet ½ the required graduation computer credit (for students graduating 2012 or after).


Duration: One Semester Credit: 1/2 credit

Elective: Grades 9 - 12 Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

Prerequisite: Graphic Communication

Content: Students will expand on their desktop publishing skills and techniques. They will learn advanced skills needed to produce the yearbook, newspaper, and operate the student business "PAWS Production." Students will sharpen their writing and oral communication skills, leadership skills, community interaction and public presentation skills. Students will accept leadership opportunities and develop skills as needed to communicate with customers. Students are graded on the quality and quantity of their inpidual contributions. Completing articles/projects for The Bobcat Pride newspaper and other publications will be required. This course is a prerequisite to the Yearbook Class. This course will allow students the opportunity to work with computers. It will meet ½ the required graduation computer credit.

Yearbook - PAWS PRODUCTION III -- 1903

Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Elective: Grades 10 - 12 Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

Prerequisite: Graphic Communication and Graphic Arts/Printing or teacher approval.

Content: Students will use and enhance their desktop publishing skills, public presentation skills, various other skills as they produce the yearbook, newspaper, and operate the student business "PAWS Production." Students will sharpen their writing and oral communication skills, leadership skills, community interaction and public presentation skills. Inpidual skills will be advanced through inpidual projects and interests. Students must have independent study skills and work ethics to succeed in this class. Students will accept leadership opportunities and develop skills as neede to communicate with customers. Students will work on developing a strong student team able to direct the complete the many aspects of running the student business PAWS Production and creating various publications. Students are graded on the quality and quantity of their inpidual contributions. Completing articles/projects for The Bobcat Pride newspaper and other publications will be required. This course will allow students the opportunity to work with computers. This course may be taken more than once. It will meet ½ the required graduation computer credit (for students graduating 2012 or after).

COMPUTER GRAPHICS I - 0315A (Photography I)

Duration: One Semester Credit: 1/2 credit

Elective: Grades 9- 12 Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

Prerequisite: Basic computer skills or teacher approval

Content: Students will use the computer to create a variety of publications, presentations and images. Students will be exposed to photography with both SLR and digital cameras. Students will use Photoshop and other computer programs to create designs and enhance the photos taken with both SLR and digital cameras. Students will learn organization skills, public presentation skills, publicity, sales and various other skills needed to produce photos/graphics for the yearbook, newspaper, and to operate the student business, "PAWS Production." Students will also sharpen their writing and oral communication skills. Students are graded on the quality and quantity of their inpidual contributions. Photographers and Artists are needed for this class. Completing articles/projects for The Bobcat Pride newspaper and other publications will be required. This course will allow students the opportunity to work with computers. It will meet the ½ the required graduation computer credit.

COMPUTER GRAPHICS II - 0315B (Photography II)

Duration: One Semester Credit: 1/2 credit

Elective: Grades 9- 12 Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

Prerequisite: Computer Graphics I or teacher approval

Content: Students will use the computer to create a variety of publications, presentations and images. Students will be exposed to photography with both SLR and digital cameras. Students will use Photoshop and other computer programs to create designs and enhance the photos taken with both SLR and digital cameras. They will also be introduced to darkroom techniques. Students will learn organization skills, public presentation skills, publicity, sales and various other skills needed to produce photos/graphics for the yearbook, newspaper, and to operate the student business, "PAWS Production." Students will also sharpen their writing and oral communication skills. Students are graded on the quality and quantity of their inpidual contributions. Photographers and Artists are needed for this class. Completing articles/projects for The Bobcat Pride newspaper and other publications will be required. This course will allow students the opportunity to work with computers. It will meet the ½ the required graduation computer credit (for students graduating 2012 or after).

COMPUTER GRAPHICS III--Independent Study - 0399

(Advanced Photography III)

Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Elective: Grades 10- 12 Lab Fee: $5 per sem.

Prerequisite: Computer Graphics I and II and Teacher approval (can't register for class on line)

Content: Photographers and Artists are needed for this class. Students will use the computer to advance their skills and knowledge of computer graphics with Photoshop and Photography. They will create a variety of publications, presentations and images. Inpidual skills will be advanced through inpidual projects and interests. Students must have independent study skills and work ethics to succeed in this class. Students will accept leadership opportunities and develop skills as neede to communicate with customers. Students will work on developing a strong student team able to direct the complete the many aspects of running the student business PAWS Production and creating various publications. Students are graded on the quality and quantity of their inpidual contributions. Completing articles/projects for The Bobcat Pride newspaper and other publications will be required. This course will allow students the opportunity to work with computers. This course may be taken more than once. It will meet the ½ the required graduation computer credit (for students graduating 2012 or before).


Duration: One Semester Credit: 0.5 Credit

Elective: Grades 9-12

Prerequisite: General Computer Applications I or equivalent Lab Fee: $5.00 per Sem.

Content: Recommended for Students Grades 9 - 12 - Course exposes students to the new technologies that affect our technological society. A wide range of technologies may be covered, but examples include Windows Movie Maker (Digital Video Editing), Computer Aided Drafting/Design (AutoCAD), Intermediate Publisher, Web Page Design, and possibly other computer technologies. A USB drive for saving files is suggested.

CTE Drafting / Art 0795

(See description under CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION--0795)

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