
English Electives

Proposed BHS English Electives List Semester 1

CREATIVE WRITING- Focus On Poetry/Essay- 1021A

Elective: Grades 9-12 semester 1 0.5 credit

No prerequisite or fees required

Course offers students the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and inpidual style. Although some creative writing classes cover several expressive forms, this class will entertain place-based writing, especially in poetry and essays. Exemplary representations and authors may be studied to improve a fuller appreciation of the form and craft.


Elective: Grades 9-12 semester 1 0.5 credit

No prerequisite or fees required

This class will focus on top reading strategies to help increase reading skills. Students will spend the majority of class time reading. They will receive mini-lessons and do literary projects. Some books will be read as a class or in small groups. Students will also have the opportunity to read books of their own choosing.

LITERATURE/FINE ARTS- World Literature- 1042

Elective: Grade 12 only semester 1 0.5 credit

No prerequisite or fees required

Course provides students with the opportunity to explore the connections and interrelationships between a society's expressions of ideas and philosophies through Literature and Fine Arts from around the world. Students will study a multitude of literature styles, explore the changes and development of literature and art over time, and investigate a Nobel Prize Winning Author.

Proposed BHS English Electives List Semester 2


Elective: Grades 11-12semester 2 0.5 credit

No prerequisite or fees required

Students will do an in-depth study of the life and times of William Shakespeare. In this class we will cover at least 4 of his plays, discussing the 3 main genres of the plays he wrote, as well as analyzing and discussing his sonnets and other writings. ~There is a possibility~that we could present a scene or act of one of his plays to an audience either digitally or live.

CREATIVE WRITING - Focus on Narrative/Short Stories- 1021B

Elective: Grades 9-12 semester 2 0.5 credit

No prerequisite or fees required

This course allows students to develop a competency in creative writing. The focus of the course is writing poetry, drama, and short stories. The course emphasizes the creative writing component, but students will also read and study accomplished works that model the varied forms. Students will work both inpidually and as a class in a workshop environment, pulling from peer/teacher comments, to create refined writings.


Elective: Grades 9-12 semester 2 0.5 credit

No prerequisite or fees required

This class will focus on literary elements and the discussion of literature. The curriculum will focus on increasing vocabulary, critical thinking and analytical skills. This will be a good place to explore and share one's personal love of books. The class will participate in group discussions, literary projects, and more.


ENGLISH I -- 1001

Duration: All year Credit: 1

Required: Grade 9

Content: The 9th grade English program includes vocabulary development, basic speaking skills, correct grammar and sentence development, personal writing and short essays, cultural narratives from around the world, and a variety of literary genres, with emphasis on the short story.

Pre-AP ENGLISH 9th grade -- 1001P (Honors credit)

Duration: All year Credit: 1

Elective: Meets 9th grade English requirement

Prerequisite: Student/Parent/Teacher contract

Content: The Pre-AP 9th grade English class is recommended for those students who excel in English and who accept the challenge of preparing for our AP program in the 11th and 12th grades. It includes additional assignments not expected of students in the regular class. To be successful, the Pre-AP 9th grade student should be motivated to perform at a high level, as this course is academically advanced.


ENGLISH II -- 1002

Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Required: Grade 10

Content: This class is a continuation of the language arts skills studied in grade 9, with more challenging written assignments and in literature a focus that includes Greek and Roman mythology and various Medieval and Norse cultural narratives, as well as an introduction to poetry and drama.

Pre-AP ENGLISH 10th grade -- 1005 (honors credit)

Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Elective: Meets 10th grade English requirement

Prerequisite: Student/Parent/Teacher contract

Content: This is a demanding class designed to prepare students for the Advanced Placement English classes during grades 11 and 12. Students will learn to analyze prose, to develop academic compositions, especially critical essays, and to analyze narrative, expository, and persuasive texts. To be successful, the Pre-AP 10th grade student should be motivated to perform at a high level, as this course is academically advanced.



Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Required: Grade 11

Content: This class is a continuation of the language arts skills studied in grade 10, with more challenging written assignments and literature that includes Native American and Judeo-Christian cultural narratives, African-American and Hispanic-American narratives, and a survey of significant literary works by a wide range of American authors.


Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Elective: Meets 11th grade English requirement

Prerequisite: Student/Parent/Teacher contract

Class Fee: $86 to be paid in advance of AP exam

Content: The purpose of the AP course in English Language and Composition is to develop skilled readers and flexible writers who will be successful at the college level. Its main concern is the connection between advanced critical reading and writing mature prose of many kinds. Students must take a national AP exam at the conclusion of the course and may earn college credit, depending on their score and the policy of their intended college. Students should realize that this course is very challenging academically.


ENGLISH IV -- 1004

Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Required: Grade 12

Content: This class is a continuation of the same language arts skills studied in grade 11, with more challenging written assignments and literature, including the study of significant cultural narratives from around the world, as well as literary works by a wide range of international authors.


Duration: All year Credit: 1 credit

Elective: Meets 12th grade English requirement

Prerequisite: Student/Parent/Teacher contract

Class Fee: $86 to be paid in advance of AP exam

Content: The purpose of the AP course in English Literature and Composition is to develop skilled readers and flexible writers who will be successful at the college level. Its main concern is the connection between close critical reading of complex literary texts -- including novels, poetry, and drama -- and the writing of analytical essays. Students must take a national AP exam at the conclusion of the course and may earn college credit, depending on their score and the policy of their intended college. Students should realize this course is academically challenging.

COMMUNICATIONS Skills/Career Educ. -- 1074

Duration: All Year Credit: 1 Credit

Required: Grades 11-12

Content: Fifteen communication modules will be covered. This is a career and college preparatory class. Topics covered include problem-solving, active listening, team-building, participating in groups, resume building, successful interviewing skills, communicating with supervisors, solving interpersonal conflicts, starting a new job, communicating with co-workers, presenting one's point of view, public speaking, research strategies, communicating with clients and customers, evaluating performances, and communicating electronically. Under certain conditions, students may earn college credit at San Juan College. Class of 2013 and later only class is no longer required for graduation, but can use as "dual enrollment" class thereafter.

PUBLIC SPEAKING - 1074P (Speech 110 at SJC)

Duration: Spring Semester Credit: 1.0 credit

Elective: Grades 11-12

Content: This is a dual credit class and will cover the basics of public speaking and will include various presentation, delivery and organization strategies. It will emphasize the importance of quality public speaking through various inpidual and group exercises.


Duration: Fall Semester Credit: 1.0 credit

Elective: Grades 11-12

Content: This is a dual credit class and focuses on the inpidual with respect to the process of communication. Through a semester long course, the students will learn effective communication strategies and how to become effective communicators in different areas of their lives including being able to adjust to different settings.

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